Our Story
What sustains us
Our goal is not about selling products.
It is about building trust.
Group Agosti Montecchio Maggiore
Our history is similar to that of many companies born in the period of the Italian economic miracle. We started in 1958 with a simple hand press, printing small bakelite articles for large enterprises in the territory.
In short, the company expands, with the purchase of new machinery for the molding of thermoplastic material and the development of a first catalog, but it was only in the early 80s that the transition from contractor to producer came to light.
Since then, we have grown, technologies have changed, people have changed, but our goal is always the same: produce excellent products for the manufacturing industry.

For 60 years, alongside the manufacturing industry
Every enterprise is conceived with a goal. We have always figured out the needs of the manufacturer and provided immediate and quality solutions.
If you are looking for a product such as a thermoplastic handle or handwheel, you will find an almost bottomless choice of different items in terms of design, material, technical features and price.
Whatever the item, our job is to make, the most functional and solid product, not ignoring the esthetics, offering our customers a wide range and a prompt delivery.
Find out more about GAMM
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